digital detox

Daily Digital Detox

3 Simple steps to unplug and give yourself a break.

Do you often feel overwhelmed? Does frequent worry keep you up at night? Is your phone the first thing you look at in the morning, and the last thing you see before going to sleep? You are not alone.  Welcome to the world of endless connectivity! Sometimes, we just need a break. You know, a “really, leave me alone” kind of break. One where you unplug and connect with yourself and others.

There is no doubt that technology makes our lives more convenient. With apps for exercising, grocery delivery services, online dating and booking your next international holiday, we are more efficient than ever!  Though in some ways, it also makes our lives more complicated. We are expected to be ‘ON’ 24/7, deadlines have been shortened, and fast responses are demanded.

Unplugging is not about banning technology. Let’s be real… it has improved our world in a multitude of ways. It’s about taking a break from your busy life, creating time for yourself, spending that time in a meaningful way, recharging your battery, and living intentionally.

A daily digital detox is a great place to start!

The Daily Digital Detox in 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Be selective.

Give up mindlessly scrolling through social platforms that make you feel worried, anxious or insecure. Start following people that give you energy and inspiration, make you laugh, and challenge you to be the best version of yourself. It’s time to eliminate toxic thinking and go all in on positivity!

Step 2: Decrease your frequency.

Be deliberate in the moments you use your devices. Allow yourself to sit down and check your messages and social media, browse the internet and read emails. One way to do this is to pick 2 specific moments in the day. For example, allocate a time in the morning after breakfast and a time in the afternoon before diner. That’s it. If an emergency comes up, people will call you or know how to reach you.

Step 3: Be intentional.

When using your phone, think about your intention beforehand: What do you want to get out of it? Maybe you just want some inspiration for your next blog, or to read the news, or are you looking for more information on that festival you are planning to go to with friends? Think about these intentions before you grab your phone. During the day, when something pops up in your mind, write it down on a piece of paper. Then later when you ‘plug in’, you are more mindful about what you want to do.

Let’s try this together and start today. Why wait? Let us know which step made the biggest impact for you and spread the word!

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